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Join over 2,800 Ambitious Musicians & Producers Who Are Already Using The...
The Breakthrough Mixing System
Use this foolproof method to bang out killer mixes from your home studio in as little as 2 hours...without complicated techniques...using any DAW you like!
The only way your mixes will improve is if you stop trying so hard — here’s how...
I'll never forget the first time I cashed a $800 check for 2 mixes that I completed the SAME DAY.

I used nothing but my DAW and some plugins…

My client was super happy…

And I only spent a few hours on each mix…

It was a huge breakthrough.

The weird thing is:

I didn’t use any complicated mixing techniques.

I’m not a particularly talented mixer but…

I was proud of my work — and I didn’t even try that hard!

All I did was follow a simple mixing process.
80-20 process
80-20 process
So, if you ever plan on making a full-time living from your studio…

Or produce pro-level music from your bedroom…

Without relying on anyone else…

You’ll want to take a look at this!
The Breakthrough System is designed to do 3 things:
  • Eliminate mix anxiety, so you don't have to put off or turn down projects
  • Cut your mixing time by up to 90% (with better results)
  • ​Create good mixing habits that allow you to continually grow... without even trying!
The first thing you should know is this:

99% of mixing advice is about "techniques"... 

But just because most people tend to do things one way...doesn't mean it's the best way.

I'm here to tell you that a professional-sounding mix does not require complicated or “advanced” techniques.

You don’t need expensive gear, either.

And you don’t need extraordinary talent.

I'll prove it.
It’s as simple as this:

When Tiger Woods hits a golf ball...

He follows a process.

When SpaceX launches a rocket into space...

They follow a process.

When you mix a new song...

You need a process.

The good news is, I’m going to make this super easy for you.

I’ll share my exact routine and step-by-step mixing process that will save you hours of confusion... and years of frustration.
Before I talk about what’s covered in my Breakthrough System, let me tell you how I know this actually works:

My name is Justin Colletti. I'm a professional audio engineer and I help run SonicScoop.

I'm also a dad, so my time is very limited...

That's why I like to make things as efficient as possible!
Justin Colletti in the studio
Over the past 10+ years I've met, interviewed, studied, and in some cases, worked alongside dozens of A-list mixers like Michael Brauer (John Mayer, Coldplay, My Morning Jacket), Manny Marroquin (Alicia Keys, John Legend, Kanye West, Imagine Dragons, Bruno Mars), Joe Chiccarelli (The White Stripes, U2, Beck, Spoon, The Strokes), and more.
The only problem?

There are a gazillion different ways to go about mixing.

So I took everything I learned from some of the best mixers in the game...

And boiled it down to one repeatable process.

I took only the things they ALL did...

...and ignored everything else.

Today, I’m excited to share the entire system with you...
By Justin Colletti
Mixing Breakthroughs box and laptop
Mixing Breakthroughs includes all the video training, practice modules, and session templates you need to start producing remarkable mixes in record time
Here's What to Expect...
You can use the Breakthrough System instantly, on your very next mix. 

And then jump straight into your next session from there... because I'll give you a battle-tested mix template, so you don’t have to start from scratch every time.

After you use the Breakthrough System on your 2nd, 3rd and following mixes, you’ll start to notice how you’re not just getting faster... but you’re seeing continuous improvements — because you’re getting into a “Mixing Flow.”

Rather than mixing in circles, you’ll feel accomplished for finishing your mixes in as little as 2 to 4 hours.

And as you get more familiar with the process, mixing starts to become second nature

You’ll notice that you can fit in a productive mixing session over lunch, in the evening after the kids are asleep, or mix an entire EP on a weekend... Imagine that kind of a productivity boost!

See exactly what you get below...
Real Student Reviews:
This might sound too good to be true but, after 7 years of mixing unsuccessfully, this provided the epiphanies I needed to break through. And it was easy to watch because Justin is one of the most likable people on the internet"
Ritchie H. (Verified Student)
Mixing Breakthroughs helped me approach my mix in ways I've never considered and helped me formulate a strategy that is both more efficient and better sounding"
Moses M. (Verified Student)
I have recommended it to several friends and would recommend it to anybody trying to improve. Well worth the money! Thank you guys so much!"
Nxrd Lxrd (Verified Student)
Here's Exactly What You Get
Watch the trailer or read below!
5 Breakthrough Modules (4 Hours of Training)
Your step-by-step mixing guide... in HD video! Just follow the steps in each module and complete your mix without getting stuck or second-guessing because you'll know exactly what to do next.
Mixing Breakthroughs course screenshot
  • Session Setup — How to set up your session for efficiency AND creativity
Mixing Breakthroughs course screenshot
  • Balance & Panning — Zero in on the perfect levels every time
Mixing Breakthroughs course screenshot
  • EQ – Use my "Phantom EQ" method, even if you can't hear exact frequencies
Mixing Breakthroughs course screenshot
  • Compression —  Quickly dial in your compressor attack and release settings
Mixing Breakthroughs course screenshot
  • Reverb & Effects —  3 ways to achieve depth & how to get the most out of plugin presets
Your Bonus Resources:
  • Multitrack Audio Files
  • Pro Tools Session Templates
Here's What You'll Discover...
  • Proper mix prep — what to do before you start mixing
  • How to get into a "mix flow" that allows you to focus your energy on creative decisions and not get bogged down in the technicalities
  • How to set up your mixing environment
  • How to "warm up your ears" before starting a new session (most people jump straight into mixing mode, and it's a big mistake)
  • The 50-10 rule that keeps you productive
  • A realistic mixing timeline to keep you on the time you spend on one mix doesn't morph out into infinity!
  • A simple way to organize your tracks that will keep you sane when mixing big sessions
  • The truth about mix references that most pros would never admit...
  • How to make sure your mixes translate across any system
  • How to quickly "balance check" your mix using only 4 tracks
  • How to build unstoppable mix confidence (even if you don't have a lot of experience)
  • How to overcome the fear of comparing your mixes to others
  • How to get the most bang for your buck when it comes to investing in your studio (which plugins and gear are really worth it?)
  • And a lot more!
But that's not all...
More Student Reviews:
Mixing Breakthroughs is the best next step after learning the basics of mixing"
Putny P. (Verified Student)
I love the simplicity of the format, and the relaxed pace, it makes for very good listening and easy learning"
Philip J. (Verified Student)
I really enjoyed the course, it was very thorough and informative. I recommend it to all my friends who want to get more serious about audio production"
Moses M. (Verified Student)
PLUS: You Get "In The Mix" Practice Modules
Mixing Breakthroughs course screenshot
5 NEW "In the Mix" Practice Modules (4 Hours of Training)
Make freaky-fast progress by watching the Breakthrough System in action — across multiple genres and different DAWs. Plus... you get all the multitracks, so you can mix along on your favorite platform, using the plugins and gear you already own.
Mixing Breakthroughs course screenshot
  • Introduction — How to get the most out of your "In The Mix" practice modules
Mixing Breakthroughs course screenshot
  • Top 40 Pop/Rock — Mixed in ProTools with stock plugins
Mixing Breakthroughs course screenshot
  • Hip-Hop — Mixed in Logic with stock plugins
Mixing Breakthroughs course screenshot
  • Electronic — Mixed in Ableton with stock plugins
Mixing Breakthroughs course screenshot
  • Heavy Rock — Mixed in Pro Tools with iZotope's Music Production Suite Pro plugins
Your Bonus Resources:
  • Multitrack Audio Files
  • Pro Tools Session
  • Logic Session
  • Ableton Session
Here's What You'll Discover...
  • How to optimize your Breakthrough Mixing templates and make them your own
  • Undeniable proof you don't need high-end gear for a killer mix
  • The simple rule to decide which instrument to mix first...
  • The "Rule of One" to achieve more clarity in your mix
  • Watch how to turn a bedroom mix into a real record that's ready for prime time
  • How to rework a rough mix, with the Breakthrough System for client-pleasing results
  • How to continually improve and break through "mix plateaus" as you grow as a mixer
  • And a lot more!
Plus, for a limited time, you get some remarkable bonuses...
Real Student Reviews:
I've applied just about every tip and trick, and it have accelerated my process in ways I could've never figured out on my own (well maybe in ten years)."
Philip J. (Verified Student)
I really enjoyed the course, it was very thorough and informative. I recommend it to all my friends who want to get more serious about audio production"
Moses M. (Verified Student)
I can honestly say that Mixing Breakthroughs has been the most valuable course I have ever purchased. It's shaped the way I approach mixing and my mixes improved immediately once I actually understood what I was trying to accomplish."
Nxrd Lxrd (Verified Student)
BONUS 1: Mixing Breakthroughs Audio Companion
Do you love podcasts and audio-only content?

Then you’ll be happy that we’re including the audio-only version of the Mixing Breakthroughs core modules with your purchase today!

That means you can listen to the course while you’re driving to work… working out… or taking the kids to school.

You'll be among the first to get this exclusive new feature that we've just added to the course for this special deal (for FREE and in addition to your discount, of course.)
BONUS 2: Mixing Breakthroughs Q&A Vault
If you're in a hurry to put the Breakthroughs system to work in your mixes, you'll appreciate these recorded Q&A sessions with Justin.

Right now there are two Q&As in the vault, answering our students' most burning questions about all the ins and outs of the Breakthroughs system.

Plus, once you become a student and join the Mixing Breakthroughs community, you'll be on the list to receive invites to future Q&As and masterclasses!

And there's more...
BONUS 3: Mixing Secrets from Your Mastering Engineer (Complete Guide)
If you plan to produce release-ready tracks from your bedroom...

Or you want to attract higher-end clients to your studio...

You need to mix with MASTERING in mind.

As an engineer who masters tracks for clients every day, I often see mixes that can't be "fixed."

But you won't run into that problem...

Because in this in-depth (50+ pages) guide, I reveal the 7 things you must do to ensure that your mixes are optimized for the mastering process:
Mixing Secrets from your Mastering Engineer eBook
Mixing Secrets from your Mastering Engineer eBook
This 50+ page guide is included in your purchase for FREE! You get the PDF, ePub (Apple Books), and .mobi (Kindle) version for your reading pleasure.
Limited Time: Here's Everything You Get Today
If you've been doing this for a while, you probably already spent $2,000... $5,000... $10,000 or more for plugins, speakers, headphones, interfaces, mics, etc.

Well, this course costs a tiny fraction of what you’ve already spent on your gear and...

Unlike anything else in your studio the skills you will gain are IRREPLACEABLE.

Plus, you're getting access to a new mixing system that will allow you to continually grow — for as long as you make music.


You get the 5 Mixing Breakthroughs core modules ($225 value)...

The 5 "In the Mix" practice modules ($225 value)...

Plus the "Mixing Secrets from Your Mastering Engineer" guide ($49 value)...

That's a total value of $499.

But If you act quickly you'll get everything for way less than that!

Because with this special offer you get over $300 OFF the value of this training...

Plus, with today's Bonus, you also get the exclusive Audio Companion to the course included FREE!
Hurry... This Special Offer Ends Soon!
Mixing Breakthroughs box and laptop
Mixing Breakthroughs comes with a
100% Money-Back Guarantee!
Total Value $499
Today Only $169
Limited Time Bonus: Audio Companion Included!
Secure Checkout.
100% Money-Back Guarantee.
Payment methods
Or upgrade to save even more!
Want to save even more? Upgrade to Mixing + Mastering Bundle
Experience YOUR Mixing Breakthrough Within 30 Days... Or Your Money Back
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Satisfaction Guaranteed
You have one full month to go through the entire course. If you’re unhappy with the training for any reason, simply visit this page to contact our dedicated support team, and we'll issue a prompt and full refund. No questions asked.

But maybe you're still wondering...
Is Mixing Breakthroughs Right for You?
What's unique about the Breakthrough System is that it doesn't matter what level you're currently at...

...because the system is designed for continuous growth at every stage of your mixing career. And as you learn more techniques you can implement them into the system.

What If You're a Creative Musician or Producer?

You probably don't want to shell out $$$ every time you need a pro-quality mix.

So your best bet is to follow a proven process to get better.

What If You're a Seasoned Engineer?

I've found even that even seasoned engineers often get stuck when it comes to mixing.

Let's say you've been doing this for a while.

So, you might usually spend a full day on a mix.

Now cut that time in half and...  You just doubled your hourly rate!
And If You're Short on Time...
First of all, you get instant LIFETIME access to the entire training.

But if you're busy with your studio... or your job... or your family... you might be wondering if this is really worth your time.

Here's what I can tell you:

I'm a full-time mastering engineer.

I'm a busy dad.

And I help run SonicScoop.

Without a repeatable, reliable process to bang out mixes that I'm PROUD to put my name on, I could never fit everything into my schedule!

So if you're short on TIME, the Breakthrough System is perfect for you.

And you'll get better — and faster — at mixing quicker than you think.

But don't take my word for it...
What Real Students Say
Course Testimonial
Course Testimonial
Course Testimonial
Course Testimonial
Course Testimonial
Course Testimonial
Course Testimonial
Only You Can Decide
One of my mentors once told me:

"There are less talented people than you, doing exactly what you want to do, simply because they decided to do it."

So now that you've seen everything that's included in the training...

Including all the training videos, session files, templates, and multitracks...

You've seen the FREE bonuses...

And you've seen the 100% satisfaction guarantee...

It's time to decide.
The Way I See It, You Have 3 Options...
Option 1 — Do nothing...

...and stay exactly where you are right now.

If you already have a good grip on the mixing process and you feel confident your mixes will live up to commercial releases…

Then maybe you have no use for the Breakthrough System.

If mixing still feels overwhelming and time-consuming, you have two other options.

Option 2 — Figure it by yourself.

You can sift through endless articles, and forums, and YouTube videos, and then try to find out what works and what doesn’t by trial and error.

If you’re willing to put in a lot of time and practice, you might be able to pull it off.

Option 3 — Start using the Breakthrough Mixing System today...

…and just follow Justin’s proven process.

All you need to do is follow the steps.

Then apply them whenever you fire up a new mixing session, and you'll know exactly what to do.

You'll finish your mixes within hours... not days! You'll start to get into a mixing flow.

Your mixes will get better faster, and you'll be proud to release your music into the world.

Plus, increase your productivity when you're mixing for clients and get MORE money for your time.

So, of those three options, ask yourself…

What’s going to be easiest for you?

Remember the "less talented people than you, doing exactly what you want to do, simply because they decided to do it."

My goal is to help you achieve YOUR mixing breakthrough, and I'd love to welcome you inside the training.

So I encourage you to come on this journey with me.

Only you can decide.

To your success,
Justin Colletti
Upgrade to Save Even More
Questions & Answers
How will the files be delivered?
After purchasing, you'll be provided with a .zip containing all the videos and course files. These are yours to keep forever.
Will this work with my DAW?
Yes! The exercises in each of the theory modules can be done in any DAW from Pro Tools, Logic, Ableton, Cubase, Reaper, Fruity Loops, Studio One and all similar platforms.
Do I need to own specific plugins?
Nope! You don't need any specific hardware or software. We suggest you use the best speakers or headphones you have available as you go through the practical portions of the course to get the best results.
How do the "In The Mix" practice modules work?
Each practical module comes with the audio files used, as well as practice sessions, either in Pro Tools, Logic, or Ableton. You can quickly and easily replicate the session settings in any DAW using the audio files provided, so you can speed up your learning.
What genres are featured in the course?
The approach you will learn can be used in virtually all genres. The practice sessions in the course feature Pop/Rock, Hip-Hop, Electronic, and Heavy Rock. The good news is, the Breakthroughs process and techniques will easily apply to any genre, so your new skills transfer to every project (now or in the future).
Will it work for me?
We've built SonicScoop over the past 15+ years—I'm not going to ruin the site's reputation with a sub-par product. And I stand behind this training 100%.

If you're unhappy with the training for any reason, simply visit our support page and contact our dedicated support team within 30 days, and we’ll give you a full refund—no questions asked.
Last Chance... This Special Offer Ends Soon!
Mixing Breakthroughs box and laptop
Mixing Breakthroughs comes with a
100% Money-Back Guarantee!
Total Value $499
Today Only $169
Limited Time Bonus: Audio Companion Included!
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100% Money-Back Guarantee.
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Want to save even more? Upgrade to Mixing + Mastering Bundle
Upgrade to Save Even More!
Want to Produce Release Ready Music from Your Bedroom of Home Studio? Add Justin’s popular Mastering Demystified training to your order today!

You’ll discover the 2-step Minimal Mastering method anyone can use to achieve a loud and dynamic sound – even with stock plugins... and even if mastering is a complete mystery to you right now!

Plus, you’ll save over $800 with this special bundle deal today…
Breakthrough Bundle boxes
Normally $999 — SAVE $700
Lifetime Access
  • Mixing Breakthroughs 2.0 (Full Course)
  • EQ Breakthroughs (Full Course)
  • Compression Breakthroughs (Full Course)
  • BONUS: Audio Companion
  • BONUS x 3: EQ Guide + Compression Guide + Mix Secrets Guide
  • BONUS: Mastering Q&A Vault
  • BONUS: Mixing Breakthroughs Q&A Vault
Bundle & Save Over 70%
Secure Checkout.
30-Day Money Back Guarantee.
Payment methods
Mixing Breakthroughs box
Normally $499 — SPECIAL OFFER
Lifetime Access
  • Mixing Breakthroughs 2.0 (Full Course)
  • BONUS: Audio Companion
  • BONUS: Mixing Secrets Guide
  • BONUS: Mixing Breakthroughs Q&A Vault
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⚡️ Limited Time: Save over $300 today!
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